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Lectures - Others

Lectures by other theologians and educators


AE09: The Eastern Fathers on Involuntary Sin


AE10: Light and Life: The Eucharist


AE11: Light and Life: Baptism


AE19: God’s Holy Fire: A Theology of the Icon


AE20: Come Follow Me – Parish Evangelization


AE43: Sacramental Living


AE07: Eastern Christianity: The Byzantine Tradition


AE08: Image, Symbol and Mystery: An Eastern Christian View of the Sacraments


AE14: Great Feasts of the Church: An Iconological Journey


AE18: The Ante-Nicene Fathers


AE26: Ante-Nicene Fathers/2


AE48: Seeing With Both Eyes: Iconography


AE61: Icon: The Way to the Kingdom


AE62: Symposium of the Eastern Catholic Bishops of Europe: English


AE63: Symposium of the Eastern Catholic Bishops of Europe: Original Languages