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Over the last 20 years
… was recognized by the highest levels of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches as contributing to the ecumenical dialogue at the “grass roots” level (Letter from Patriarch Bartholomew, Letter from Cardinal Lubomyr Husar)
… held annual ecumenical conferences in Washington, DC as well as others in San Diego, Detroit, New Jersey, Great Britain and Constantinople
… produced over 500 audio/video recordings (300+ on YouTube with 1000+ subscribers) on a wide range of topics (List of Topics available as Adult Enrichment packages – perfect Christmas gifts!)
… sponsored three Seminary Concert Tours from Eastern Europe to the United States
… conducted religious pilgrimages to Rome, Constantinople, Eastern Europe and Great Britain (Photos of groups and private audiences)
In the last year we have also been asked to serve as a liaison between a nuclear-disarmament “grass roots” movement known as Global Zero and the Vatican to hold a high-level symposium on how to reduce and eventually eliminate all weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear. This would be in conjunction with the historic Vatican conference titled “Perspectives for a World Free from Nuclear Weapons and for Integral Disarmament” that I attended last month with over 300 participants from around the world. Click here to read a full-page, feature article in Horizons (newspaper of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Parma) about the OL Foundation and the Vatican conference: Vatican Conference.
The “Campaign to Sustain” is a fund-raising effort to support the work of the Orientale Lumen Foundation now and into the future. This campaign is designed to generate a monthly revenue stream and an endowment fund that can be invested to provide long-term financial stability, and continue the work of the OL Foundation.
I ask you to be generous and signup for an automatic monthly credit card donation or an endowment contribution. Our goal is $5000/month in ongoing donations and an endowment of $1 million.